Conference Proceedings
López-Marcial GR, O’Connell GD. Addition of collagen type I in agarose creates a dose-dependent effect on matrix production in engineered cartilage. Abstract accepted for a poster presentation at the annual ORS meeting, 02/2022.
Lindberg ED, Wu T, Cotner K, Sohn L, O’Connell GD. Priming chondrocytes during expansion culture alters cytoskeletal configuration and matrix production. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the annual ORS meeting, 02/2022.
Zhou M, Abubakr Y, O’Connell GD. Torque- and muscle-driven flexion induces disparate behavior in disc mechanics. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the annual ORS meeting, 02/2022.
Arevalo S*, Montes A*, O’Connell GD. Measuring the impact of research talks for mechanical engineering undergraduate students: improving accessibility to research opportunities and building confidence to engage in technical discussions. Abstract accepted for presentation at the annual ASEE Mechanical Engineering Division Conference, 06/2022 (Minneapolis, MN). *These authors contributed equally to the study.
Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Novel multiscale structure-based model of the bovine caudal disc motion segment. Abstract accepted as finalist for the PhD Competition at the annual SB3C meeting (virtual), 06/2021.
Lindberg E, Jamali A, Alliston T, O’Connell GD. Growth Factor Priming of Chondrocytes During Expansion Culture Inhibits Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Signaling. Abstract accepted for virtual presentation at the annual ORS meeting, 03/2021.
McKinley JP, Quinnert A, Jimenez G, López Marcial GR, O’Connell GD. Mechanically Active Microfluidic Device to Mimic Tensile Hoop-Strains in the Annulus Fibrosus. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the annual BMES meeting, San Diego, CA, 10/2020.
Zhou M, Vickers EN, O’Connell GD. Hydration and fiber architecture affect failure initiation and accumulation at the fiber-matrix interface. Abstract accepted for presentation at the annual SB3C meeting, 06/2020, virtual meeting due to COVID19.
Zhou M, Vickers EN, O’Connell GD. Effect of subtissue level fiber-matrix stiffness gradient on annulus fibrosus mechanics. Abstract accepted for presentation at the annual SB3C meeting, 06/2020, virtual meeting due to COVID19.
Werbner B, Habib M, Fields AJ, O’Connell GD. Human Annulus Fibrosus Failure Mechanics are Correlated with Tissue Composition. Accepted for poster presentation to the Annual ORS Meeting (Phoenix, AZ, 03/2020).
Elango K, Lopez-Marcial GR, O’Connell GD. Towards development of engineered tissues with gradients: Tensile and compressive properties of agarose-alginate hydrogels with collagen. Abstract for podium and poster presentation to the Annual ORS Meeting (Phoenix, AZ, 03/2020).
Werbner B, Habib M, Fields AJ, O’Connell GD. Human Annulus Fibrosus Failure Mechanics are Correlated with Tissue Composition. Accepted for poster presentation to the ORS PSRS 5th International Spine Research Symposium (Skytop, PA, 11/2019).
Eskandari M, O’Connell GD. Constitutive Modeling of Lung Bronchi. Invited presentation to the 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE) Meeting, New York City, NY, 08/2019.
Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Novel Structure-based Model for Investigating Damage in the Annulus Fibrosus. Invited presentation to the 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE) Meeting, New York City, NY, 08/2019.
O’Connell GD, López-Marcial GR, García JM. 3D Printable Bioinks for Soft Tissue Engineering. Invited Abstract for the National Academy Science/USNCTAM/AmeriMech conference, Berkeley, CA, 06/2019.
Soepriatna AH, Boyle JJ, Clifford AD, Yeh AK, Bezci SE, O’Connell GD, Goergen CJ. 3D Strain gradients correlate with murine myocardial infarct severity. Abstract for podium presentation to the Annual SB3C Meeting, Pennsylvania, PA, 06/2019..
Yang B, Wendland MF, Ma Y, O’Connell GD. Direct quantification of intervertebral disc water content using magnetic resonance imaging. Abstract for podium presentation to the Annual SB3C Meeting, Pennsylvania, PA, 06/2019.
Bezci SE, Werbner B, Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Radial variations in composition and swelling properties of bovine caudal discs. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019.
Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Effect of Hydration on Annulus Fibrosus Failure Mechanics. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019.
Werbner B, Spack K, O’Connell GD. Effect of Proteoglycan and Water Content on Annulus Fibrosus Failure Mechanics. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019.
Bezci SE, Carraro C, O’Connell GD. A novel method for measuring water distribution in the intervertebral disc using Raman spectroscopy. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019.
Emerzian SR, Pendleton MM, O’Connell GD, Alwood JS, Keaveny TM. Ionizing Radiation from Ex Vivo Sterilization Diminishes Fatigue but Not Static Murine Vertebral Body Mechanics. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019.
Yang B, O’Connell GD. Residual stress and pressure formation due to swelling of tissues within the intervertebral disc. Abstract submitted for presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019.
Bezci SE, Werbner B, Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Radial variations in composition and swelling properties of bovine caudal discs. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019. Read here.
Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Effect of Hydration on Annulus Fibrosus Failure Mechanics. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019. Read here.
Werbner B, Spack K, O’Connell GD. Effect of Proteoglycan and Water Content on Annulus Fibrosus Failure Mechanics. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019. Read here.
Bezci SE, Carraro C, O’Connell GD. A novel method for measuring water distribution in the intervertebral disc using Raman spectroscopy. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019. Read here.
Emerzian SR, Pendleton MM, O’Connell GD, Alwood JS, Keaveny TM. Ionizing Radiation from Ex Vivo Sterilization Diminishes Fatigue but Not Static Murine Vertebral Body Mechanics. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019. Read here.
Yang B, O’Connell GD. Residual stress and pressure formation due to swelling of tissues within the intervertebral disc. Abstract submitted for presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Austin, TX, 02/2019. Read here.
Yang B, Lu Y, Um C, O’Connell GD. Nucleotomy Increases Disc Bending Stiffness under Complex Loading Modalities. Abstract for podium presentation at the World Congress of Biomechanics Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 07/2018. Read here.
Yang B, O’Connell GD. Residual Strain in the Annulus Fibrosus Decreases with Disc Degeneration. Abstract for podium presentation at the World Congress of Biomechanics Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 07/2018. Read here.
Yang B, Um C, Lu Y, O’Connell GD. Effect of Nucleus Pulposus Size and Location on Internal Stresses in the Intervertebral Disc. Abstract for poster presentation at the World Congress of Biomechanics Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 07/2018. Read here.
Eskandari M, O’Connell GD. Mechanical Characterization of Lung Tissue. Abstract for podium presentation at the World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 07/2018. Read here.
Emerzian SR, Pendleton MM, Li A, Liu JW, Tang SY, Alwood JS, O’Connell GD, Keaveny TM. Exposure to ex vivo sterilization doses of ionizing radiation diminishes collagen integrity and mechanical properties of whole bones. Abstract for poster presentation for the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 2018. Read here.
Lim D, Georgiou T, Bhardwaj A, O’Connell GD, Agogino AM. Customization of a 3D Printed Prosthetic Finger Using Parametric Modeling. Abstract for presentation at the ASME – IDETC/CIE Conference, Quebec City, Canada. Read here.
Zhou M, Bezci SE, Borroni-Bird CL, O’Connell GD. Modulus of Fiber-Reinforced Tissues is Sensitive to Specimen Dimension. Abstract for poster presentation at the World Congress of Biomechanics Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 07/2018. Read here.
Emerzian SR, Pendleton MM, Li A, Liu JW, Tang SY, Alwood JS, O’Connell GD, Keaveny TM. Exposure to ex vivo sterilization doses of ionizing radiation diminishes collagen integrity and mechanical properties of whole bones. Abstract submitted for the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 2018. Read here.
López-Marcial GR, Zeng AY, Osuna C, García JM, O’Connell GD. Agarose-alginate hydrogels as suitable bioprinting materials. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Disc torsional mechanics are influenced by axial compression, rotation angle, and disc geometry. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Swelling affects failure mechanics of the annulus fibrosus. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Emerzian SR, Pendleton MM, Li A, Liu JW, Tang SY, Alwood JS, O’Connell GD, Keaveny TM. Effect of ex vivo ionizing radiation on static and fatigue properties of mouse vertebral bodies. Abstract for podium presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Zhou M, Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Effects of specimen geometry and boundary conditions on fiber engagement and mechanical properties. Abstract for podium presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
López-Marcial GR, Zeng AY, Osuna C, García JM, O’Connell GD. Agarose-alginate hydrogels as suitable bioprinting materials. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Disc torsional mechanics are influenced by axial compression, rotation angle, and disc geometry. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Swelling affects failure mechanics of the annulus fibrosus. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Emerzian SR, Pendleton MM, Li A, Liu JW, Tang SY, Alwood JS, O’Connell GD, Keaveny TM. Effect of ex vivo ionizing radiation on static and fatigue properties of mouse vertebral bodies. Abstract for podium presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Zhou M, Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Effects of specimen geometry and boundary conditions on fiber engagement and mechanical properties. Abstract for podium presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 03/2018. Read here.
Pendleton MM, Sadoughi S, Li A, Liu JW, O’Connell GD, Alwood JS, and Keaveny TM. Effect of spaceflight-relevant ionizing radiation on mechanical properties of mouse vertebrae for repetitive loading. Abstract for poster presentation at ASBMR, Denver, CO 09/2017. Read here.
Zhou M*, Werbner B*, O’Connell GD. Effect of fiber architecture on tissue failure dynamics: A finite element study. Abstract selected as finalist in the MS Paper Competition to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Tucson, AZ 06/2017. *These authors contributed equally. Read here.
Werbner B*, Zhou M*, O’Connell GD. Finite element method for predicting failure location of annulus fibrosus in uniaxial tension. Abstract for poster presentation to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Tucson, AZ 06/2017. *These authors contributed equally. Read here.
Yang B, Habtegebriel YB, Ma Y, Wendland MF, O’Connell GD. A semi-automated approach for creating a subject-specific finite element model of the intervertebral disc. Abstract for poster presentation to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Tucson, AZ 06/2017. Read here.
Yang B, O’Connell GD. Effect of osmotic swelling in soft tissue is dependent on collagen fiber orientation. Abstract for podium presentation in the PhD competition at the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Tucson, AZ 06/2017. Read here.
Yang B, Jbaily A, Yintong L, Szeri AJ, O’Connell GD. Lung micromechanics of pulmonary fibrosus: A finite element analysis. Abstract for poster presentation to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Tucson, AZ 06/2017. Read here.
O’Connell GD. Cartilage tissue engineering: using soft material scaffolds. Abstract for oral presentation to the 253rd Annual American Chemical Society – Division of Polymeric Materials and Science Engineering (PSME), San Francisco, CA, 04/2017. Read here.
Yang B, Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Osmotic Swelling Alters Tissue Mechanics in Fiber-Reinforced Tissues. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, 03/2017. Read here.
Werbner B, O’Connell GD. A Method for Repeatable Tensile Total-Life Fatigue Testing of Annulus Fibrosus. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, 03/2017. Read here.
Change JM, Emerzian SR, Pendleton MM, Keaveny TM, O’Connell GD. Robust Method for Mechanical Testing of Rat Vertebrae to Determine Compressive Bone Properties. Abstract for poster presentation to the Annual BioMedical Engineering Society (BMES) Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 10/2016. Read here.
Bonnheim N*, Werbner B*, O’Connell GD. Failure Properties of Annulus Fibrosus: Effects of chABC and Strain Rate. Abstract for podium presentation to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), National Harbor, MD, 06/2016. *These authors contributed equally. Read here.
Yang B, Zhou M, O’Connell GD. Detailed Finite Element Modeling of Fiber-Reinforced Tissues. Abstract for poster presentation to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), National Harbor, MD, 06/2016. Read here.
Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Effect of Hydration on Intervertebral Disc Recovery. Abstract for poster presentation to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), National Harbor, MD, 06/2016. Read here.
Pendleton MM, Alwood JS, O’Connell GD, Keaveny TM. Design of Fatigue Test for Ex-Vivo Mouse Vertebra. Abstract for podium presentation to the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), National Harbor, MD, 06/2016. Read here.
Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Compression-torsional mechanical properties of the human intervertebral disc joint. Abstract for podium presentation at the 2016 Spine Week Meeting, Singapore, 05/2016. Read here.
Yang B, O’Connell GD. Effect of Annulus Fibrosus Collagen Orientation on Intervertebral Disc Torsional Mechanical Behavior. Abstract for podium presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Orlando, FL, 03/2016. Read here.
Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Axial-torsion behavior of human lumbar intervertebral discs under physiological compressive loads. Abstract for poster presentation at the Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Orlando, FL, 03/2016. Read here.
Bezci SE and O’Connell GD. Effect of rotation angle in disc torsional mechanics. Abstract for presentation at the American Society of Biomechanics 39th Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio USA, 08/2015. Read here.
Ford AC, Wolf K, Nandy A, Zeng AY, and O’Connell GD. Modular tissue engineered cartilage surfaces. Abstract for poster presentation at Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Snowbird, Utah USA, 06/2015. Read here.
Bezci SE, O’Connell GD. Effect of axial compression on preload on intervertebral disc torsional mechanics. Abstract for poster presentation at Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), Snowbird, Utah USA, 06/2015. Read here.
Bezci SE, Felipe JM, O’Connell GD. Osmotic loading environment alters intervertebral disc mechanical function. Abstract selected as a finalist to the Bachelor’s student competition to the 7th World Bioengineering Conference, Boston, MA USA, 2014. Read here.O’Connell GD. Multiscale Mechanics of the Interverebral Disc. Abstract for podium presentation to the 2nd Annual USACM Meeting, Berkeley, CA USA 2014. Read here.O’Connell GD, Carapezza MA, Newman IB. Osmotic Loading and Growth Factor Supplementation Alters Tissue Growth of Intervertebral Disc Cells. Abstract accepted for podium presentation to 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA USA, 2014. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Cui VH, Palmer G, Hung CT. Differences in Engineered Cartilage from Human Chondorcytes and Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Pellet and Construct Culture. Abstract for poster presentation, to ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR USA, 2013. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Cui VH, Nims RJ, Nover AB, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. Prolonged Treatment of Ultra-Low Dose Chondroitinase ABC Improves Matrix Production in Engineered Cartilage. Abstract for podium presentation, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR USA, 2013. Read here.
Kelly TAN, Roach BL, Mackenzie-Smith CR, Nover AB, Estell EG, O’Connell GD, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. Chondroitinase ABC-Digestion and Dynamic Loading Increased Tension-Compression Nonlinearity in Tissue-Engineered Cartilage. Abstract for podium presentation, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, OR USA, 2013. Read here.
Ponnurangam S, Chernyshova I, O’Connell GD, Woods K, Hung CT, Somasundaran P. Ceria Nanoparticles as Anti-inflammatory Agent in Engineered Articular Cartilage: In vitro Raman Microspectroscopy of Single Cells. Abstract for poster presentation, National Meeting of the American Chemistry Society (ACS), New Orleans, LA USA, 2013. Read here.
Kelly TAN, Roach BL, Mackenzie-Smith CR, O’Connell GD, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. Chondroitinase ABC-Treatment Enhances Tension Compression Nonlinearity in Tissue-Engineered Articular Cartilage. Abstract for poster presentation, 59th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX USA, 2013.
Nims R, Cigan A, Albro M, O’Connell GD, Park D, Hung CT, Ateshian GA. Frequent Chondroitinase Treatment in Engineered Cartilage with Native Level of Cell Seeding Density Does Not Enhance Collagen Deposition and is Detrimental to Chondrocytes. Abstract for poster presentation, 59th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX USA, 2013. Read here.
Ponnurangam S, O’Connell GD, Somasundaran P, Hung CT. Microgel-based Delivery of Bioactive Souble Factors for Articular Cartilage Engineering. Abstract for poster presentation, National Meeting of the American Chemistry Society (ACS), Philadelphia, PA USA, 2012. Read here.
Stannard JT, Edamura K, Stoker A, O’Connell GD, Kuroki K, Hung CT, Choma TJ, Kuhns CA, Jefferies JT, Reinsel T, Cook, JL. A novel model for intervertebral disc degeneration using whole organ explants in a rotating bioreactor. Abstract for podium presentation, 27th NASS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 2012. Read here.
Nover AB, Wood KC, O’Connell GD, Essner AP, Klein RW, Napolitano AP, Lima EG, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. Characterization Of Depth-Dependent Mechanical Properties In Bio-Titanium Hybrid Osteochondral Tissue Engineered Constructs. Abstract for poster presentation, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Fajardo, PR USA, 2012. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Gollnick C, Ateshian GA, Bellamkonda RV, Hung CT. Lipid Microtubes as a Nutrient Reservoir or Enzyme Delivery Vehicle in Engineered Cartilage. Abstract for poster presentation, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Fajardo, PR USA, 2012.
Stannard JT, Edamura K, Stoker A, O’Connell GD, Kuroki K, Hung CT, Choma TJ, Kuhns CA, Jefferies JT, Reinsel T, Cook, JL. A whole organ culture model for intervertebral disc using rat tail explants in a rotating bioreactor. Abstract for poster presentation, World Spine Forum, Helsinki, Finland, 2012. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Gollnick C, Ateshian GA, Bellamkonda RV, Hung CT. Lipid Microtubes Improve Nutrient Transport in Engineered Cartilage. Abstract for podium presentation, 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA USA, 2012. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Newman IB, Carapezza M, Urban JP, Hung CT. Osmotic Loading Effects on Juvenile Intervertebral Disc Cell Biosynthesis is Dependent on Cell Type and TGF-β3. Abstract for poster presentation, 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA USA, 2012. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Carapezza M, Newman IB, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. Applied Dynamic Loading Following chABC Digestion Increases Collagen Production in Engineered Cartilage. Abstract for poster presentation, 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA USA, 2012. Read here.
Edamura K, Stannard JT, Stoker AM, O’Connell GD, Kuroki K, Hung CT, Choma TJ, Jeffries JT, Cook JL. A Whole Organ Culture Model for Intervertebral Disc Using Rat Tail Explants in a Rotating Bioreactor. Abstract for poster presentation, 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA USA, 2012. Read here.
Ponnurangam, S, O’Connell GD, Somasundaran P, Hung CT. Microgel-based Delivery of Soluble Factors for Articular Cartilage Engineering. Abstract for poster presentation, 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA USA, 2012. Read here.
Nover A, Ye M, Samojilk S, O’Connell GD, Ateshian GA, Lima EG, Hung CT. The Influence of Dynamic Loading on Bio-Titanium Hybrid Osteochondral Tissue Engineered Constructs. Abstract for poster presentation, 58th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA USA, 2012. Read here.
Ponnurangam S, O’Connell GD, Chernyshova IV, Hung CT, Somasundaran P. Acrylate Copolymeric Nanogels for Tissue Engineering of Articular Cartilage. Abstract for poster presentation, National Meeting of the American Chemistry Society (ACS), Anaheim, CA USA, 2011. Read here.
Luengo AS, O’Connell GD. Annulus Fibrosus Cells as a Potential Cell Source for Nucleus Pulposus Tissue Engineering. Abstract for poster presentation, BMES Conference, Hartford, CT USA, 2011. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Dunleavy N, Carapezza M, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. TMAO Supplementation of Culture Media for Engineered Articular Cartilage. Abstract for podium presentation, BMES Conference, Hartford, CT USA, 2011. Read here.
Nover AB, O’Connell GD, Ateshian GA, Lima EG, Konofagou EE, Hung CT. Effects of Focused Ultrasounds on Cell Viability in Its Application to Articular Cartilage Engineering. Abstract for poster presentation, BMES Conference, Hartford, CT USA, 2011. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Gollnick C, Ateshian GA, Bellamkonda RV, Hung CT. Beneficial Effects of Chondroitinase ABC Release From Lipid Microtubes Encapsulated in Chondrocyte-Seeded Hydrogel Construct. Abstract for poster presentation, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Farmington, PA USA, 2011.
O’Connell GD, Hung CT, Ateshian GA. Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of Failure Properties for Immature Tissue Engineered Cartilage. Abstract for poster presentation, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Farmington, PA USA, 2011. Read here.
Gerasimowicz KM, Yoder JH, Tustison NJ, Song G, O’Connell GD, Malhotra NR, Vresilovic EJ, Wright AC, Gee JC, Elliott DM. Optimization of Image Registration and Application to Human Disc Mechanics with Nucleotomy. Abstract for podium presentation, Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), Toronto, Canada, 2011. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Fong JV, Joffe A, Moy MY, Newman IB, Hung CT. Trimethylamine N-Oxide enhances the Mechanical and Biochemical Properties of Tissue Engineered Cartilage. Abstract for poster presentation, 57th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2011. Read here.
Nover AB, O’Connell GD, Ateshian GA, Lima EG, Konofagou EE, Hung CT. A Focused Ultrasoud Technique for Modulating Local Tissue Properties for Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering. Abstract for podium presentation, 57th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Long Beach, CA USA, 2011. Read here.
Sampat SR, O’Connell GD, Fong JV, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. Optimization of Synovium-Derived Stem Cells for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. Abstract for poster presentation, 57th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Long Beach, CA USA, 2011. Read here.
Gunja N, Fong JV, Tan AR, Moy MY, Xu D, O’Connell GD, Bulinski JC, Ateshian GA, Hung CT. Priming of Synovium-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. Abstract for podium presentation, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Naples, FL USA, 2010. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Malhotra NR, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Discectomy Alters The Internal Strains of the Intervertebral Disc. Abstract for podium presentation, 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA USA, 2010. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Sen S, Cortes DH, Elliott DM. Biaxial Mechanics are Inhomogenous and Altered with Degeneration in the Human Annulus Fibrosus. Abstract for poster presentation, 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA USA, 2010. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Malhotra NR, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Discectomy Increases Internal Strains of the Disc Under Physiological Loads. Abstract for special emphasis poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Lumbar Spine, Miami, FL USA, 2009.
O’Connell GD, Sen S, Elliott DM. Physiological Biaxial Boundary Conditions Affects Stress-Stretch Behavior of the Annulus Fibrosus. Abstract for podium presentation, 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2009. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Degeneration Alters Intradiscal Strains Under Compression and Bending Loading. Abstract for podium presentation, 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV USA, 2009. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Jacobs JT, Sen S, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Viscoelastic Recovery of the Human Intervertebral Disc is Much Slower than Creep. Abstract for poster presentation, 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV USA, 2009. Read here.
Wright AC, Horng D, O’Connell GD, Elliott DM. Diffusion Tensor MRI on Human Disc Tissue at 90 mm Isotropic Resolution. Abstract for poster presentation, 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV USA, 2009. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Guerin HL, Elliott DM. An Anisotropic Hyperelastic Model Applied to Nondegenerate and Degenerate Annulus Fibrosus. Abstract for podium presentation, ASME Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008-192890, Marco Island, FL USA, 2008. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Recovery of Human Disc Height and Stiffness Following Axial Compression. Abstract for poster presentation, 54th Annual Orthopedic Research Society, Paper No. 1435, San Francisco, CA USA, 2008. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Sen S, Baker BM, Mauck RL, Elliott DM. Biaxial Mechanics of Musculoskeletal Tissue and Fiber-Reinforced Scaffolds. Abstract for podium presentation, ASME Bioengineering Conference, SBC2007-176540, Keystone, CO USA, 2007. Read here.
Baker BM, O’Connell GD, Sen S, Nathan AS, Elliott DM, Mauck RL. Multi-Lamellar and Multi-Axial Maturation of Cell-Seeded Fiber-Reinforced Tissue Engineered Constructs. ASME Bioengineering Conference, SBC2007-176434, Keystone, CO USA, 2007. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Recovery of Human Intervertebral Disc Motion Segments Following Axial Compression Loading. Abstract for poster presentation, 6th Annual Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies, Paper No 274, Honolulu, HI USA, 2007. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Johannessen W, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Human Disc Internal Strains Under Compression Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Abstract for podium presentation, 53rd Annual Orthopedic Research Society, Paper No. 0270, San Diego, CA USA, 2007. Read here.
O’Connell GD, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM. Comparative Intervertebral Disc Anatomy Across Several Animal Species. Abstract for podium presentation, 52nd Annual Orthopedic Research Society, Paper No. 0011, Chicago, IL USA, 2006. Read here.